Intensive weekend workshop in London

31 Aug 2024—01 Sep 2024


St. Margaret's House, London E2

In person workshop with a qualified “pneumaphonist” (Breath-Voice practitioner) in a supportive environment.

“It is possible to rewrite the history of an individual through their voice. The Pneumaphonie® method makes it possible to free them from deep angst, from firmly rooted anxieties and from psychosomatic disorders revealed by the body’s memory.

The true sound triggers an immediate agreement between the universal breath and the bodily instrument which channels and reveals it. The true sound reveals, liberates and conveys the message: it questions, solicits, signifies and communicates.

Singing must be an act of love, it bonds.”

Quoted from

Send us an email or call for more information. Thank you.

Event details


31 Aug 2024—01 Sep 2024


All day/more than one day


St. Margaret's House
21 Old Ford Rd.
London E2 9PL




The chapel is inside St Margaret's House, behind the café. You'll be given directions before the date.

Phone number