Moortown, Leeds
Moortown, Leeds
Good in Parts is a friendly singing group of people who come together to enjoy each other’s company and sing wonderful songs. We believe that singing is for everyone and that it should be fun!
Brian formed the choir over 23 years’ ago and in that time we have shared lots of songs and laughter. All our songs are taught by ear and through repetition, with an emphasis on mutual support and encouragement. We sometimes distribute written scores but you don’t have to be able to read music.
There are no auditions to join the choir and no-one is expected to sing solo. We usually sing songs in three or four parts. Choir members can access practice tracks as an aid to learning the songs via the members’ area of our website.
We occasionally organise fundraising concerts in aid of local charities.
Monday evenings 8 - 9.30pm
The Queen’s Hall (Church of the Immaculate Heart)
294 Harrogate Road
Leeds LS17 6LE