Singing Mamas Croston


Croston Old School


An hour of connection & nourishment, singing heartfelt songs learnt by ear, followed by tea & homemade cake.

We’ll start with simple songs, then weave our voices together, layering rhythms & harmonies to create something magical!

All voices are welcome, confident singers, shy singers & everyone in between. There are no auditions, no performances, no solos & no sheets of music. Just joy & connection.

Bring your little one or come as you are. We welcome women of all ages & life phases. Mamas, aunts, grandmothers, pregnant women & women without children.

Session times

Wednesday mornings (term-time only) 10.30-12pm

Follow our social media pages for videos and photos from the groups.

A free taster session can be booked through Bookwhen –

Choir details


The Old School
Church Street
Bretherton PR26 9HA
