Singing In The Moment

05 Oct 2024—06 Oct 2024


Rosehip Barn near Launceston, Cornwall

Join us for a weekend of mindful singing.

This workshop, held over 2 days, will include
• lots of singing (simple songs sung in 2, 3 or 4 part harmony),
• some mindful meditation practice and
• lots of meditative singing!

Everything will be taught and led in a gentle, supportive atmosphere. There will also be homemade cake and biscuits!

We will spend time noticing what is happening in our bodies, hearts and minds when we sing and how we might find more ease.

The workshop will suit both complete beginners as well as experienced singers and /or meditators.

Workshop leaders

Neal Jolly is a member of the Natural Voice Network, a musician, composer and an experienced leader of a number of singing groups and similar workshops.
Gill Jolly is a trained voice therapist and mindfulness teacher.


The workshop will be held at Rosehip Barn, a beautiful, light and spacious yoga and retreat centre. There is plenty of parking and easy access.


10am – 4.30pm on both Saturday 5th  and Sunday 6th October.


The price for each day is £40 per person (i.e. a total of £80 for the whole weekend) and will include all refreshments and a simple, vegetarian lunch on Saturday and Sunday. To book your place email  to arrange payment and to inform us of any dietary requirements.

Facebook link.

Event details


05 Oct 2024—06 Oct 2024


All day/more than one day


Rosehip Barn
St Clether
Cornwall PL15 8QN

Run by

£40 for each day. £80 for the whole weekend

Booking information

See info for full details.

Phone number