soulsinging online third Sundays

16 Mar 2025—15 Mar 2026


We sing simple rounds and harmonies of a spiritual nature in a meditative atmosphere, with an emphasis on immersing ourselves in the sound. I increasingly choose themes for each session which are connected with the natural world e.g. celebrating the seasons.

Singing online is different from in-person, though enjoyable in its own way. The benefits are still the joy of singing with others (even if you can’t hear them) and using your body, breath and voice to centre you. Many have said they are more confident to sing out as no-one else can hear them!

All are welcome and each session stands alone, though one of the wonderful things about singing is how it brings complete strangers together very quickly.

Event details


16 Mar 2025—15 Mar 2026


19.15 – 20.45

Run by

£3-£5 charity donation


Third Sunday of the month

Booking information

email for Zoom link