Beeston Singing for Fun


We meet at Middle Street Resource Centre, Beeston, Nottingham. Easily accessible by bus and tram


Come and sing with others just for the fun of it.  We sing a range of songs from a variety of styles, eras and locations.

No experience necessary, no auditions and no need to read music. Those who think they can’t sing are particularly welcome.

We meet on Wednesday mornings during term time for 10 weeks at a time.  We often finish with an informal concert for sympathetic family and friends on the tenth week.

We are currently having “blended” sessions – most people attend in person, but you have the option of attending on zoom if you wish, or a mixture of the two.

The Spring term starts on Wednesday 15th January.

For more information, email

Session times

Wednesday mornings during term time for 10 weeks at a time 10.15 am - 11.45 am

Choir details


Middle Street Resource Centre
74 Middle Street
Nottingham NG9 2AR

Phone number