Clay Chorus


Penkhull, Stoke on Trent


Clay Chorus is a mixed gender community choir based in Penkhull. It’s led by Kate Barfield and Greg Stephens of the Boat Band.
Clay Chorus were formed in 2006 in order to sing in a B.arts community theatre show: Clay, and have sung in many shows since including the Penkhull Mystery Plays, outside on Penkhull village green, and as part of Beautiful Thing at the New Vic Theatre. They have also sung in their own shows: “Titanic Echoes” and ” Floating on Brindley`s Dreams”, and most recently for Animal Apocalypse, a show about the plight of the natural world.
Clay Chorus welcomes all voices. There’s no need to read music as we learn the songs by ear and repetition.

Session times

Monday evenings in term time from 7.30pm-9.00pm (from 7.45pm on second Monday of the month)

Choir details


Penkhull Village Hall
top of Trent Valley Rd
Stoke on Trent ST4 5JB

Run by
Phone number