Heartsong Choir


The Round Studio, Aberystwyth Arts Centre.
Canolfan Celfyddydau Aberystwyth Arts Centre


Heartsong is a Community Choir based in Aberystwyth. Membership is open to anyone who wishes to sing, regardless of previous experience or existing level of skill. Singers are not required to read music. Songs and harmonies are taught by ear.  Heartsong have a variety of song-leaders who they invite for a few weeks at a time.  They occasionally perform such as at Aberystwyth Sing for Water, and Christmas carol singing.

Session times

Tuesday evenings in term time from 7.15 til 9.15pm

Heartsong is run by committee and have a variety of song leaders.  To find out more contact dupontkathryn@gmail.com or victoriamorleysawyer@gmail.com

Choir details


Canolfan Celfyddydau Aberystwyth Arts Centre
SY23 3DE
Aberystwyth University
SY23 3DE

Run by
Phone number