The Quay Note Singers is a friendly choir for anyone who thinks they might enjoy singing in harmony with others. No previous experience or skill is required, you are not expected to read music, instead we learn songs by ear and in no time at all we can be making beautiful music together!
We sing all kinds of music, and we have some fun too! And we can be persuaded to sing in public occasionally. No commitment necessary, you can come along any time.
The fees include a low-income rate and you can choose to pay per session or for a half-term block. Contact Sarah for term dates.
“Thank you, Sarah, for all that you do for our singing group. It is such an enjoyable 2 hours and I always go home relaxed and happy (even grinning!!). With all the ups and downs of health, family and world problems, it helps in so many ways, as well as enjoying being part of a group which with your expertise and encouragement produces some lovely songs. Thank you.”