Shakti Sings Community Choir


Spring Grove House, Isleworth, London


Shakti Sings is a non-audition community  choir.

We learn  joyful uplifting songs in harmony and perform them outside next to the River Thames at the end of the day (or in the case of May 18th on the following day at our picnic).

What’s special about us is that we don’t meet every week.  While you’re encouraged to (and we think you may WANT To) participate as often as possible, it’s not compulsory to attend every month.

Members also have the opportunity to join us twice a year singing at sunrise at Stonehenge at the summer and winter solstice.

We believe singing is for everyone so come along and try it out, we’d love to welcome you.

Sing for joy, sing together, sing to the land.

Next dates: May 18th (&19) , June 15th 2024.

***ADDITIONAL SINGING PICNIC ON SUNDAY 19th MAY – new members who attend on 18th are invited to join the picnic on 19th where we will sings the songs learnt on 18th on the bank of the River Thames ***

Time: Arrive 10.30
Singing from 11.00 -13.00
Lunch Break 13.00 – 14.00
Singing 14.00- 16.00

Tea provided, and homemade cakes and hot lunch available to buy. Artisan craft stalls/ DIY pop up lunchtime market.

Session times

3rd Saturday of the month 10.30- 16.00/17.00



Choir details


The Music Room
Spring Grove House
West Thames College
London Road
Isleworth TW7 4HS

Run by
Phone number