

St John’s Centre, Old Trafford


A friendly and informal weekly group. We sing a variety of songs, including some from the standard acapella repertoire, original songs and arrangements, jazz, soul, folk, pop, songs from around the world… whatever takes our fancy. We’re not a performance group, but we occasionally find ourselves getting together with other singing groups for a joint sing, supporting a local event or singing under the tree outside at Christmas. New members are welcome at any time. No experience is necessary and you don’t need to be able to read music.

This group, that has been going since 2007, is led by a Teaching Team, with NVN members: Faith Watson,  Anita Ward and Annelie Leinhos plus volunteer leaders from within the wider Shylarks group.

Session times

Wednesdays 7.30 - 9.30pm

For dates and fees, go to the Singing for Larks website.


You’re welcome to just turn up any Wednesday we’re meeting, but if you prefer, you can contact Faith: or leave a message on: 07891 940595

Choir details


St John’s Rd
Old Trafford
Manchester M16 7GX

Phone number