Sing Your Heart Out


Norfolk - Norwich, King's Lynn, Sheringham, Hingham and Great Yarmouth


Sing Your Heart Out provides free singing workshops for mental wellbeing.

[The following text is taken from the SYHO website]

Our workshop sessions are led by professional singing tutors. We aren’t a choir and we don’t put on performances. We simply enjoy singing together, and we understand that sometimes not everybody feels well, and we accept and support people.

Our sessions aim to help people in all sorts of ways, SYHO participants have said they feel that it has improved their confidence, reduced stress and given a space where others understand how you feel. Sometimes a person may not feel like singing and that’s okay.

We welcome anyone over 18 who is experiencing or has experienced mental health difficulties, to offer a strong space of understanding and a sense of togetherness through singing. We welcome carers, family, friends, any support workers, staff and indeed anyone who wants to support their mental wellbeing (or simply likes to sing!)

SYHO is free to take part, though we welcome donations if you can afford it.

Session times

Sessions run Monday to Thursday across Norfolk. See website for full details

SYHO sessions are led by:

Natasha Hood

Kimberley Moore

Joey Herron

Linds Bestwicke

Choir details