The Pan-European Choir


We meet in each others' cities in Europe, twice yearly eg. Berlin, Regensburg, Bristol, Donegal


We are a group of 25 experienced singers, from around Europe. We meet twice a year in each other’s countries, to sing an ever increasing repertoire of songs. The aim is to improve our singing, and each meeting to get better, but also of course the lovely social aspect of meeting up with friends every 6 months. We sing songs from many countries, also heartfelt quality songs from the 2 books by Lindsey Williams and Candy Verney.

Candy gives out the repertoire, including MP3s, written music and lyrics, 3 months before we meet. Singers have to learn their parts, so that when we meet, we go straight into perfecting and refining the music.

If it interests you to be part of this choir, contact Candy.

Session times

We met twice yearly for a 4 day residential in each others' cities around Europe. We also meet monthly on zoom.

Choir details


The Song House Co Donegal

Run by
Phone number