Wildfire Women


Just on the corner of Clark Road and Ferry Road by Goldenacre


We have started singing together in person again. If you want to be added to the email list to get a weekly reminder, drop me a line. If you want to do some singing from home, there are now lots of short learn and singalong videos with new songs that I’ve been putting up during the pandemic. You can find the archive here: https://singlouderthanguns.com/singalong-songs/

Wildfire Women’s Choir are more of a singing community than a choir – we meet weekly, but you don’t have to come every week, just come as and when you can. We learn songs by ear from around the world, often about freedom, women’s struggles, strength and solidarity.​

All women are welcome, everyone can sing! Drop in from time to time or come every week, whatever suits your life best.

Session times

Wednesday evenings, 7.30-9pm

Choir details


St Serfs Church
1a Clark Road

Run by