Vocal Toning Session

18 Jul 2024

12 pm—12.45 pm

An self-exploratory vocal toning session.

Who loves to sing, treasures staying in the present moment, and wants to be part of a creative community?

✨ Everybody is welcome to create with us ✨

TO REGISTER: https://circlesinginglondon.wixsite.com/project/virtual

What will the session be like?
This virtual, self-exploratory, singing session was designed in a particular way. I will not be able to hear you sing, but I will guide you so that you can sing and intuitively improvise from your home. There will also be an opportunity to sing together at the end, if you want to collaborate.

Vocal Toning/Circle Singing London is different from a traditional choir. It is a healing and creative experience.

Circle Singing is an uplifting and powerful experience. I have attended a number of sessions and I always feel great during and afterwards as it seems to connect you to others and to something beyond your everyday life. I think that the fact that you create in the moment and forget your worries has a real healing quality to it. I look forward to attending more sessions, come and check it out!” – Josephine

For more testimonials click here: https://circlesinginglondon.wixsite.com/project/gallery-sessions

Event details


18 Jul 2024


12 pm – 12.45 pm

