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On this page you can search for a choir or singing group by its name or by location.

If you are searching in the UK, click on “By location” and select “United Kingdom”, and you will then be able to narrow down your search by postcode. Alternatively you can zoom in on the map.

If you are searching for a member who is outside the UK, you will be able to search by country.

Then click on the button to initiate the search. You will then get an outline of the choirs and singing groups which match your search and you’ll be able to view full details. Please use these to contact any choirs that you’re interested in.

If you need to contact the NVN, rather than an individual choir, you can do so by emailing

Brixham Harmony


Our lady star of the sea Brixham


This friendly choir meet for the joy of singing and well being- enjoying rounds and 3 and 4 part harmony songs from around the world.
The tea break enables socialising and you can sit or stand to sing in this group, in the lovely big hall.
The choir perform once or twice a year.
£6/week. All welcome.

Session times

Tuesdays 1.30-3pm

Bukhari Georgian Choir


Findhorn Village, Scotland


A mixed choir singing 3-part polyphonic songs from Georgia (Europe).
Please get in touch if you would like more information about our approach, our priorities, costs and location.

Session times

Sunday 7-8.30pm

Bury AcaPeelers Community Choir


Blackbune Hall, The Wylde, Bury


Community choir, open to all, learning by ear, acapella harmony, regular informal performances.

Session times

Thursdays in term time, 7.30 - 9.30pm

BYOB Choir (Bring Your Own Baby)


St Francis Centre, St Francis Road, BS3 1JP


BYOB Choir is a choir for parents, carers or parents-to-be and is 100% baby friendly.
We sing uplifting songs without EVER venturing near a nursery rhyme.

If you have a little one aged 0-5 and are keen to meet new friends you are the perfect BYOB Choir singer. There’s no audition to join, all songs are taught by ear and you’ll never have to sing solo. Classes run weekly during term-time.

You have the option to sing outside with the changing seasons or inside at one of our lovely venues.

Book a class here!

Session times

10am St George Community Centre
11:15am St George Park (outside)

10am St George Park (outside)
11:15am Wildgoose Space, St Serbs

10am St Francis Centre, Bedminster
11:30am Ashton Court

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