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Then click on the button to initiate the search. You will then get an outline of the choirs and singing groups which match your search and you’ll be able to view full details. Please use these to contact any choirs that you’re interested in.

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Top of the World Singers


Abbot Alphege Academy, Beckford Drive, Lansdown, Bath BA1 9AU.


A relatively new, small and welcoming choir, singing soulful and uplifting songs mostly in English but also songs from around the world. Sessions are fun and informal, we’re singing for the love of it and many members talk about how much better they feel after each session.

Here’s a testimonial from one regular member:

‘Jo has established a wonderful feel to our community choir. We are about inclusivity, building confidence, finding creativity, and allowing people to be themselves. She is supportive, kind, clear and encouraging. I’ve found myself gaining confidence in singing out, enjoying trying out different voices, being able to get it wrong and try again. I love the warm ups, the short rounds and easy songs and the ones we work for – songs from all over the world, sad songs and uplifting songs too. And she often finishes with improvisation which everyone loves. This small, intimate community choir focuses on wellbeing and enjoyment without losing any tone or beauty. The buzz when we end is palpable and all of us have improved and sing out with confidence.’

Session times

Tuesdays, termtime, 7.15 - 8.45pm

Totally Vocally


Nonsuch Studios, 92 Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham


Led by Abi Moore (Nottingham) and Elliot Wood (Grantham), these soulful singers from across the East Midlands bring hope, joy and funky goodness in acappella harmony.

No accompaniment, no scores, no words. Just pure harmonised singing direct from our mouths to your ears. We sing contemporary pop, rock, funk and gospel with groove, warmth and soul.

How do we do it? Totally Vocally!

Session times

Mondays (Nottingham) 6.45- 8.45pm
Tuesdays (Nottingham) 7-9pm
Tuesdays (Grantham) 7.15-9.15pm

Towersey Songbirds


Chinnor Road, Towersey OX9 3QY


We’re a group for upper voices. In June 2020 a group of 6 of us got together to sing in a garden, and then a separate group of 6 was born. Eventually we joined to sing together on Towersey Village Green and in the beautiful courtyard at Towersey Manor, and our Songbirds group finally came together into our home at Towersey Memorial Hall. We sing rounds, some simple songs and the occasional more ambitious songs. Everything is taught by ear and everyone is welcome. We meet to have fun and to laugh singing together.

Session times

Monday afternoons in term time from 2.30 to 4 pm

Treacle Sing


King Edward Street Chapel, 4 King Edward Street, Macclesfield SK10 1AB


Join Siobhan and Hana on Treacle Sunday for an hour of singing to fill you with joy. Focusing on singing for joy and connection (not perfection!) these sessions are open to everyone. No auditions, no sheet music, no experience needed.

This is a free offering as part of King Edward Street Chapel’s Open Days.

For more details email

Session times

Occasional Treacle Sundays