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Then click on the button to initiate the search. You will then get an outline of the choirs and singing groups which match your search and you’ll be able to view full details. Please use these to contact any choirs that you’re interested in.

If you need to contact the NVN, rather than an individual choir, you can do so by emailing

Tyninghame Singers


Main St, Tyninghame, Dunbar EH42 1XL


We are a friendly community group who meet to sing all things a cappella in the gorgeously resonant village hall in quaint Tyninghame.  No auditions or music reading required, although scores and sound files are given for ease of learning (at the request of members).  New singers are most welcome to drop in for a couple of sessions to try us out – just send a wee email in advance to let me know you’re coming.  We occasionally perform at village events and join forces with other local groups for larger events.  Please note:  You’ll need a torch at the end of the evening as we’re rural and guided only by the stars at nightfall!

Session times

Wednesdays 8:15 - 9:45pm

Tywi Harmony Community Choir


LLangathen Hall, Llangathen, Carmarthenshire


Tywi Harmony is an accepting, non-judgemental, welcoming group of singers from different backgrounds who enjoy singing harmony songs together. We learn songs from all over the world.
Songs are taught mostly by ear.

Session times

Thursday evenings in term time from 7 to 9 pm

Verwood Voices


Verwood Dorset


We are an all inclusive non audition group of people who love to get together and sing. The emphasis is on enjoying singing for our own pleasure, and we also perform occasionally at local events.
We just can`t get enough of a good harmony!!

Session times

Monday term time 7pm to 9pm

Vibe Pop/Rock Choir


Bristol Rd, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6QB


I co-run this choir with Catherine Smith.  Fast paced exciting choir learning a cappella arrangements of the best pop and rock classics. Open access, all taught by ear; no music reading required. Recordings of the voice parts are provided for learning in between choir sessions.

Session times

Thursday evenings in term time from 7.30 to 9.30pm