Find a choir or singing group

On this page you can search for a choir or singing group by its name or by location.

If you are searching in the UK, click on “By location” and select “United Kingdom”, and you will then be able to narrow down your search by postcode. Alternatively you can zoom in on the map.

If you are searching for a member who is outside the UK, you will be able to search by country.

Then click on the button to initiate the search. You will then get an outline of the choirs and singing groups which match your search and you’ll be able to view full details. Please use these to contact any choirs that you’re interested in.

If you need to contact the NVN, rather than an individual choir, you can do so by emailing

Carers’ Support Centre Choir


Carers' Support Centre, 24 George Street, Croydon, CR01PG


Sing and shine – singing respite sessions for carers.
Free for Croydon carers.

Session times

Twice monthly - Weds mornings 10.30-11.45am

Castle Chorus


Edinburgh – Rehearsal location provided on request


Castle Chorus is Edinburgh’s folk and roots community choir. We’re open to all regardless of previous singing experience, with no auditions and no need to read music notation. We sing a wide range of folk music from throughout the ages and around the world, we collaborate with local songwriters and bands, and we create songs together about things we care about.

Members pay £7 per session or £3 concession with further flexibility available – we don’t want money to be a barrier for anyone. Drop-in attendance is welcome although we ask for some patience in the run-up to performances!

Session times

Thursdays 6.30-8.30pm

Catford Sings


Catford Mews, Winslade Way, SE6 4JU


Catford Sings is Catford’s newest community choir,  which launched in September 2023.

We sing beautiful folk, world music and pop songs, which are all songs taught by ear so there’s no need to read music and no auditions.

New singers are welcome at any time in the term.

We meet in the upstairs studio at Catford Mews, Catford’s local independent cinema. Come through the main entrance, through the bar area and go through the doors as if you were going to the cinema screens. At the back of the corridor is a staircase up to the first floor, where the studio is located.

Unfortunately at the moment the lift is not in operation so the space is only accessible via the stairs.

If you’re early, why not grab some food or a drink while you wait, and feel free to stay on afterwards for a drink and to get to meet your fellow singers.

Session times

Wednesday evenings, 7.30-9pm

Central Canton Choir


Canton Liberal Workmen's Club, 301-303 Cowbridge Rd E, Cardiff, CF5 1JD


Relaxed community singing group, open to all. No experience necessary – just a chance to sing together.

Session times

Tuesday 7-9pm

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