Find a choir or singing group

On this page you can search for a choir or singing group by its name or by location.

If you are searching in the UK, click on “By location” and select “United Kingdom”, and you will then be able to narrow down your search by postcode. Alternatively you can zoom in on the map.

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Then click on the button to initiate the search. You will then get an outline of the choirs and singing groups which match your search and you’ll be able to view full details. Please use these to contact any choirs that you’re interested in.

If you need to contact the NVN, rather than an individual choir, you can do so by emailing

Chapter Singers


Chapter Arts Centre, Market Rd, Cardiff CF5 1QE


The choir is fairly closely related to the Cardiff Canton Singers and has been running since 2005. We currently have a short waiting list but would welcome more singers to join our bass section.

Session times

Fridays 9.30am-11.30am

Chilton Song Circle


Chilton Village Hall, Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0SH


Easy, uplifting harmony singing in the beautiful village of Chilton.

Come and sing beautiful harmony songs from many traditions, all taught by ear with no sheet music, no auditions, no homework, and no pressure! Just beautiful music to enjoy – turn up and let loose. We meet in Chilton Village Hall, in The Morris Room. There is plenty of parking on site.

£45 for 6-week block, or £10 pay as you go. You can pay online or in person (card or cash), or just drop in if you prefer. Come and meet friendly people who love singing together. No experience or confidence necessary!

You can find our term dates at

Unsure? Come for a free taster. Email me to let me know to expect you.

I look forward to welcoming you!

Session times

Thursday evenings in term time

Chipping Sodbury Community Choir


The Old Grammar School, High Street, Chipping Sodbury. BS37 6 BJ


A friendly and informal community choir.
New members welcome any time.

Session times

Fridays 10-11.30am. All year round except August and Christmas.

Cholsey Singing Circle


The Great Hall,Fair Mile,Wallingford,OX10 9GW


Find and free your voice

A relaxing and uplifting singing session with beautiful harmonies taught by ear. No sheet music or homework, just turn up and let loose! I teach music in many styles and languages, layering up simple parts to build beautiful music all without accompaniment.

Open to all, from near and far and all abilities. Great fun for “non-singers” and singers alike. Discover your voice and enjoy making music. Parents are most welcome to bring small children with them (please bring whatever they need, but the singing is for you!).

Session times

Fridays 12:45 - 13:45 pm

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