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Clarity Trowbridge


Wesley Road Methodist Church, Newtown, Trowbridge BA14 0AX


Clarity Choir sing uplifting songs from around the world in a range of styles. Clarity is an open-access, a cappella choir that is as much about having fun as it is about singing! Clarity Trowbridge meet in Wesley Road Methodist Church which has a wonderful warm acoustic, perfect for the human voice. We currently have around 30 members, with a good mix of voice parts although we would be happy to welcome a few more altos and tenors. The choir performs a couple of times a year alongside Clarity Bath – both choirs learn the same songs.

All songs are taught by ear and everything we sing is unaccompanied allowing us to really enjoy the wonderful sound of the human voice in harmony. We sing mainly for fun, but do perform occasionally.

Join Us!
If you’re interested in joining Clarity Choir, please do get in touch. You’re welcome to come along for a free taster session. There are no auditions, no requirements, just a willingness to join in and have fun!
​“Clara is a brilliant choir leader and manages to get everyone making a great sound even though few of us consider ourselves to be good singers! We are relaxed and informal and there is a lot of fun and laughter.” Clarity Choir member

Session times

Wednesday evenings, 7.30pm - 9.30pm (term time)
We have a break around half way through

Clay Chorus


Penkhull Village Hall, top of Trent Valley Rd, Penkhull, Stoke on Trent ST4 5JB


Clay Chorus is a mixed gender community choir based in Penkhull. It’s led by Kate Barfield and Greg Stephens of the Boat Band.
Clay Chorus were formed in 2006 in order to sing in a B.arts community theatre show: Clay, and have sung in many shows since including the Penkhull Mystery Plays, outside on Penkhull village green, and as part of Beautiful Thing at the New Vic Theatre. They have also sung in their own shows: “Titanic Echoes” and ” Floating on Brindley`s Dreams”, and most recently for Animal Apocalypse, a show about the plight of the natural world.
Clay Chorus welcomes all voices. There’s no need to read music as we learn the songs by ear and repetition.

Session times

Monday evenings in term time from 7.30pm-9.00pm (from 7.45pm on second Monday of the month)

Clear Space Singing


Clear Space Studios, 21 King Street, Hereford, HR4 9BX


Gentle 3 & 4 part harmony songs taught by ear. For any age and ability, and purely for enjoyment, not for performance. A 2 hour session with a short break in the middle.

Cost: £10-£5 sliding scale.

Session times

Monday 11am - 1pm

Clevedon A Cappella


St Andrew's Church Centre, Old Church Rd, Clevedon BS21 7UE


Started in 2008, Clevedon a Cappella is an open access group for women singers. I teach the songs by ear; no music reading is required. We learn a wide variety of songs from jazz to pop and folk and songs from around the world in three part harmony. I provide recordings of the voice parts for practice in between sessions.

Session times

Mondays in term time 2 - 3.30pm

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