We gather in several places:
St Andrews church hall, Victoria Road, Worthing, BN11 1XB
Just 5 mins walk from Worthing station with plenty of parking in surrounding roads the evening.
It has beautiful acoustics and a little kitchen for making teas and its own loos and is lovely!
We meet every Tuesday evening, 7.30pm – 9.30pm, £5 per person. Includes copious tea and coffee and biscuits!
These are drop in sessions so you are welcome to come any evening that suits you and pay when you arrive.
Shoreham Methodist Hall, Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5WB
2 mins walk south of the station. Plenty of parking in the surrounding roads in the evening.
This is a lovely hall, warm and welcoming with a kitchen and loos.
We meet every Wednesday evening, 7.30 - 9.30pm, £6 per person. Includes as much tea, coffee and biscuits as you need!
These are drop in sessions so you are welcome to come any evening that suits you and pay when you arrive.
Sullington Tithe Barn, Sullington Lane, Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 4AE
Nestled in the hills of the South Downs, we gather in a beautiful and huge Tithe Barn to sing.
There are loos and a lovely cafe that is often open.
Check here for cafe opening times: https://www.sullingtonmanorfarm.co.uk/the-cafe-at-the-old-workshop
You are welcome to bring your own tea and coffee and snacks.
We are meeting only twice more there this year, the 3rd and 4th Sundays in November, 11 - 1pm. We will have more dates coming for the new year, two Sundays each month, dates to follow.
£6 per person.
These are drop in sessions so feel free to come when you would like to.
In the Summer the barn us busy with weddings and so we move to:
THE OLD SCHOOL, School Lane, Storrington,
West Sussex, RH20 4LL
We will be there11 - 1 on Sundays. Dates will be given in the Spring next year.
These are still drop in sessions so newcomers are welcome along any time.