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Then click on the button to initiate the search. You will then get an outline of the choirs and singing groups which match your search and you’ll be able to view full details. Please use these to contact any choirs that you’re interested in.

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Global Harmony


Phoenix Arts centre, Gandy St. Exeter.


Exeter GH is a large mixed choir singing a wide range of traditional and modern songs in 4 part harmony. These hard working and fun filled sessions have held a strong group of singers for many years, with 25-30 attending each evening. We perform at local festivals occasionally and the focus is on making beautiful and uplifting music and enjoying varieties of song.
£8 per week for half a term or £9 drop in..

Totnes Global Harmony has ceased after a good run of 32 years!

Session times

7.30-9pm Mondays

Glorious Harmony Choir


All Saints Church, Winchester Road, Bassett, Southampton, S016 7DH


Glorious Harmony is a friendly, community choir welcoming all voices, with no audition. We learn by ear, so there’s no written music. We sing a variety of songs in three- and four-part harmony. Most of our members are 50+ and we always start the session with tea and chat. We perform 3-4 times a year in a relaxed local setting. No need to commit to a term , just drop in and pay as you go if this suits you better.

Session times

Wednesday 2.00pm to 3.30pm

Gloucester Folk Choir


The Folk, Westgate St, Gloucester


Gloucester Folk Choir have been singing together since Feb 2023, they sing a variety for folk and folk leaning songs from a variety of traditions. They perform semi-regularly as a way of bedding in the songs and sharing them with the wider community.

The focus for the choir is on the songs and on finding a place of ‘Comfidence’ (comfort + confidence) in their voices and in the songs. Song are playfully taught and explored with Sorrels guidance and support.

Voice technique is embedded in each practice, gently encouraging greater resonance and harmonic beauty.

Payment is £7 per session, cash or card at the start of the session.

Session times

Thursday evenings, 7-8:30

GLOW Choir Brighton!


St Luke's Church, 64 Old Shoreham Road, BN1 5DD


GLOW is Brighton’s Non-Audition, Natural Voice Community Choir for LGBTQIA+ people and Allies.

“GLOW choir is a safe and welcoming space; a supportive queer community; a place for everyone to find their voice and use it.”

GLOW is a friendly, welcoming and inclusive space where LGBTQIA+ Folks and Allies can relax in supportive community and enjoy uplifting community singing. All voices are welcome.

GLOW is a fun, encouraging choir at which people can be who they are in supportive company, express themselves, connect with community, learn about music, explore and develop their voices and enjoy harmonising with others through song.

GLOW meets on selected Saturday afternoons in Brighton. To find out more, contact

Session times

2nd and 4th Saturdays of most months, 2.30-4.30pm

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