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Harmony singing – Radbrook, Shrewsbury


Calverton Way, Radbrook Green, Shrewsbury SY3 6DZ


This is a friendly group that meets most Friday afternoons during term time and raises the roof with delicious harmonies. All are welcome.

Session times

Friday afternoons in term time from 1.30 to 3.15pm. Spring 2025: January 17, 24, 31, February 7, 14, 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11

Harmony singing Madeley


Jubilee House, 74 High Street, Madeley, Telford TF7 5AH


This is a friendly group that meets most Monday afternoons during term time and raises the roof with delicious harmonies. All are welcome.

Session times

Monday afternoons in term time from 1.45 – 3.30pm. Spring term 2025: January 13, 20, 27, February 3, 10, 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7

Harmony Singing Space


Angel Hall, Bowden House Community, Green Lane, Totnes, Devon TQ9 7PW


This weekly Thursday evening harmony singing space is in the beautiful Angel Hall at Bowden House Community – and I am always delighted to welcome people to join us in what is in effect my extended living room. Songs from all over, but with quite a few gospel – Tony Backhouse is a big influence and usually leads a workshop here on his occasional visits from the other side of the world!

We sing for our own enjoyment and thus have none of the pressures of preparing for performance. In practical terms this means that we can welcome those who pass through for just one evening, those who drop in and out when they can alongside the regulars who are there most weeks.

I like to think that the harmony we create together ripples out into the wider world, trickles down into the earth beneath our feet and radiates out towards the stars.

Session times

Thursday evenings

Harmony Tree – Afternoon Folk Choir


St Laurence Hall, The Shambles, Stroud, GL51AP


I’ve finally done what I’ve been promising to do for a long while and I’ve booked in a slot for a New Afternoon Choir.

This choir will have all the yumminess of Stroud Folk Choir, singing rousing shanties, joyous celebration songs, haunting laments, catchy ditties and songs celebrating the natural world around us. Traditional and contemporary folk songs from our own fair isles and from other cultures around the world taught in 3 and 4 part harmony. We will also spend more time doing circle singing and playing gentle and accessible voice and rhythm games.

This is for people who love to sing and prefer daytimes to evenings, for anyone who’d like to be part of a cross-generational singing community and learn new songs to take away with them. Families are welcome.

Children over 5 are more than welcome if they want to sing, as well as tweens and teens, though must all be accompanied by a responsible adult. Younger children are not excluded but this is not a specific parent and toddler group and the integrity of the singing we do together is important in order for the cross generational nature of the choir to work, so I ask that your little one is likely to be settled during the sessions.

This is a non-audition community choir and we’ll be learning the songs by ear, so there is no need for you to read music. Words will often be provided for the  more lengthy songs.

We’ll team up with members of Stroud Folk Choir and Sing Ahoy! (Dursley) for some collaborative outings, performances and local community events.

Our trial session will be on Tuesday 8th October and will continue weekly during term time.

These sessions will be drop in whilst we grow and the cost will be:

  • £8 per Adult
  • £5 per child over 12
  • £3 per child 5-11
  • Cash or Card on the door

Please see for more information on the choirs, workshops, retreats and courses that I run.

Session times

Tuesdays 3.45pm-5.15pm

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