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Then click on the button to initiate the search. You will then get an outline of the choirs and singing groups which match your search and you’ll be able to view full details. Please use these to contact any choirs that you’re interested in.

If you need to contact the NVN, rather than an individual choir, you can do so by emailing

House of Friendship choir


House of Friendship, 208 High Street, Lewes, BN7 2NS


A very friendly choir who like all types of music – madrigals, folk, pop.
No audition. No need to read music although it is supplied for those who prefer it.
Parts taught mostly by ear and available to listen to online.

Session times

Monday afternoons weekly 2-3pm £7 payable termly in advance (£10 for drop in session)

Howling Wolves Community Choir


Newhampton Art Centre, Dunkley Street, Wolverhampton WV1 4AN


The Howling Wolves Choir were formed in 2013. We are made up of around 30 regular members although there are many more that attend when they can.

We are proud to be a Natural Voice choir and welcome everyone – no musical experience is necessary, all songs are taught by ear. We perform regularly throughout the year but there is never any pressure on members to take part, although it is encouraged.

Session times

Wednesday evenings 7-9pm

I Sing For Me Community Choir, Ballymena


Ballymena Methodist Church Hall, Ballymoney Rd, Ballymena BT43 5BY


This wonderful group of singers meet every Friday morning from 10.30 – 12.  Come along and hear their beautiful voices, better still, join in!

Many of the choir members have confided in me how welcome they felt when they came along to this group.

Everybody and every voice is welcome.  We have no auditions to join and do not use sheet music as all songs are taught by ear.  We sing a mix of music from pop to folk and music especially written for community choirs.


Session times

Friday mornings during term time 10.30 - 12pm

In Vocal Mode


Sheringham, North Norfolk,


A small and friendly community choir led in alternate 6 week blocks by experienced choir leaders, Jane Wells and Linda Roast. Songs taught range in an eclectic mix from folk to pop and contemporary to ‘world’ with a bit of gospel thrown in. All music is taught by ear. There are no auditions, just come and give it a go. £6/session. Please contact Jane first to find out a bit more about the singing and the exact venue.

Session times

Tuesday evenings in term time from 7pm

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