Find a choir or singing group

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Then click on the button to initiate the search. You will then get an outline of the choirs and singing groups which match your search and you’ll be able to view full details. Please use these to contact any choirs that you’re interested in.

If you need to contact the NVN, rather than an individual choir, you can do so by emailing

Beeston Singing for Fun


Middle Street Resource Centre, 74 Middle Street, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 2AR


Come and sing with others just for the fun of it.  We sing a range of songs from a variety of styles, eras and locations.

No experience necessary, no auditions and no need to read music. Those who think they can’t sing are particularly welcome.

We meet on Wednesday mornings during term time for 10 weeks at a time.  We often finish with an informal concert for sympathetic family and friends on the tenth week.

We are currently having “blended” sessions – most people attend in person, but you have the option of attending on zoom if you wish, or a mixture of the two.

The Spring term starts on Wednesday 15th January.

For more information, email

Session times

Wednesday mornings during term time for 10 weeks at a time 10.15 am - 11.45 am

Bellow Fellows


LIFT, White Lion Street, London N1 9PW


Bellow Fellows meets regularly on Tuesday evenings in central London. There are no auditions and everything is taught by ear. We sing a variety of music, from well known pop to shanties, work songs & everything in-between. The choir is a welcoming inclusive group that is on a mission get more men singing.

A common story from new singers is their fear of coming along to the first session, but then how glad they were to bite the bullet by turning up. Many of us haven’t sung since we were at school; the good news is that no experience is required to turn up and you do not need to be able to read music. Everything is taught by ear in an inclusive and encouraging way.

Session times

Tuesdays 7.00-8.45pm

Ben Rhydding Community Choir


St. John's Church, Bolling Road, Ben Rhydding, Ilkley


Ben Rhydding Community Choir was set up by Keely Hodgson in 2011. The choir welcomes all voices. We meet to sing together one Saturday morning each month (except August) to learn songs, socialise and raise awareness for the UK Charity “Give A Child A Hope” which supports a small community, The Revival Centre, Matugga, Uganda, comprising an orphanage, schools, clinic, and farm.
The choir sings in a large concert setting once every two years to raise funds for The Revival Centre and has also performed at local events, community fetes, bandstands and train stations.
We sing a varied repertoire of acapella songs from around the world as well as from different eras, including original songs and arrangements by Natural Voice Leaders.

Session times

Once a month, Saturday, 10am - 12.30pm

Bentham Voices


Bentham Quaker Meeting House, Calf Cop, Burton Road, Low Bentham


We meet every Wednesday in term-time to sing a number of easy to learn songs with harmony. We also have outings and walks to sing in the Yorkshire Dales – beside rivers and waterfalls, inside caves and in woods. Bentham is near Ingleton in Yorkshire – north east of Lancaster, east of Kendal.

We often meet with another choir which I lead – Lakeland Voices based in Kendal.

Session times

Wednesday evenings in term time from 7.30-9.30pm

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