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Sing for Health – Worcester


Lyppard Hub, Ankerage Green, Worcester WR4 ODZ


Sing for Health Worcester is free to attend. We spend the first 20 minutes on whole body breathing awareness exercises through relaxing, working with posture, and bringing ourselves into balance which we then use in the context of songs. No previous singing experience required; you can self-refer or be referred to me via a GP or Clinician.

Sing for Health aims to leave you feeling more positive, more confident, and happier, it sends you away with a spring in your step! See website for times, venue details, information and quotes for current attendees. All welcome!

Session times

Wednesdays in term time 2-3pm

Sing for Joy


Revive Elim Church, Kerrier Way, Camborne, TR14 8FH


This is a singing group aimed at improving mental health and wellbeing. We meet monthly to sing a variety of uplifting songs, both familiar and new, with everything taught by ear, using call and response. You don’t even need to be think you can sing – just come along and give it a try! We aim to have some fun and enjoy singing together, as well as having a break for a cuppa and a chat in the Revive cafe, giving time to socialise as well as sing!

Please contact Cornwall Mind to register your interest in attending this group, either by filling in the referral form on their website or phoning 01208 892855.

Session times

First Thursday of each month 1-3pm

Sing for Joy! East Runton


Village Hall, East Runton


Weekly group singing to enhance wellbeing and create a sense of community.

Session times

Thursdays in term time 10 to 11.30am

Sing for Peace


Kinloss Parish Church, 4 Manse Road, Kinloss, Forres IV36 3GH


Raise our voices together in simple songs/chants, both sacred and secular, from many different religions, and none. We sing to create harmony, joy and peace. All welcome.

Session times

Friday mornings 10.30am - 12 noon

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