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Then click on the button to initiate the search. You will then get an outline of the choirs and singing groups which match your search and you’ll be able to view full details. Please use these to contact any choirs that you’re interested in.

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Singing Through the Seasons


Pitsmoor Rd., Sheffield S3 9AQ


Sage Sheffield is a charity that provides therapeutic arts/horticulture activities for people whose lives are impacted by mental health problems. Singing through the Seasons is a signing group, run under the umbrella of Sage, for any women who want to join a supportive and friendly group and have a go at singing together.

Session times

Mondays (term time) 12:30 - 2pm

Singing Together


York Steiner School, Danesmead, Fulford Cross, Fulford, York YO10 4PB


We sing songs from around the world, largely for our own enjoyment, although we do very occasionally perform in public.
Subscription per session is currently £4.

Session times

Most Saturday mornings, 11am - 1pm, in school term time

Singing Together – Online singing group for older adults


Online via Zoom


A friendly online singing group for people wishing to connect through the creative activity of singing. This group welcomes people who may feel isolated, lacking in connection or mental stimulation, or who experience memory loss,  who need a morale boost …. or who simply love to sing. We offer a combination of uplifting songs, both old favourites and new, such as Beatles, Abba, Sound of Music, folk songs, familiar war-time songs etc and modern songs that we will teach. This is a dementia-friendly group, and carers are also welcome.

With Delia Rosenboom, Natural Voice practitioner and Andreas Rosenboom, Music Therapist.

There is no cost for this group. To participate, please register  for your place, with Richmond Music Trust using this link:

Our custom-made song booklet with words to songs will be sent to you once you have registered.

Session times

Fridays 10.30-11.30am

Singing Walks


Various locations around Stroud, Gloucestershire


I lead singing walks at a variety of locations around Stroud.  Each walk will be approx 3.5 miles, with breaks to learn and sing simple songs – rounds or 2-3 part harmony.  Songs will have an environmental and/or seasonal connection.

The walks are usually for around 3 hours on Sunday afternoons. Please contact me for dates.

The terrain will include hills and uneven ground, so appropriate footwear is essential.

Session times

Intermittently on Sundays, for about 3 hours between 12-5 pm.

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