Find a choir or singing group

On this page you can search for a choir or singing group by its name or by location.

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Then click on the button to initiate the search. You will then get an outline of the choirs and singing groups which match your search and you’ll be able to view full details. Please use these to contact any choirs that you’re interested in.

If you need to contact the NVN, rather than an individual choir, you can do so by emailing

Solsbury Community Choir


Batheaston New Village Hall, School Lane, Batheaston, Bath BA1 7EP


Solsbury Community Choir is a friendly mixed choir, open to everyone and with all singing abilities welcome. We sing a wide range of songs in different styles, and we learn everything by ear – there’s no need to read music. Our number one priority is to have fun.

Our choir is:

  • Inclusive – for all singing abilities, from complete beginners through to keen/regular singers, with no auditions
  • About our natural voices – songs taught ‘a cappella’ (just voices) and by ear
  • Mindful – with the emphasis on singing for fun within the group, rather than for performance
  • Supportive – a nurturing environment where everyone feels encouraged to have a go.
Session times

Monday evenings during term time from 7.30 - 8.45pm

Song Birds Ulverston – Feel Good Singing


In the back room at Ulverston Methodist Church, Hartley St, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0AN


Come and belong and be a part our singing community.

Feel Good Singing is open to all voices, including those that don’t consider themselves singers. The group welcomes people of all types with all voices. The sessions are fun and easy going and include gentle warm ups, learning rounds, circle songs, original songs and well loved songs of all genres from all over the world including nature inspired, folk, gospel, shanties, blues, soul, jazz, traditional and contemporary. From healing and moving songs, to uplifting and feel good.

All music taught by call and response. We sing in unison, part and harmony. (Don’t let this put you off if you are a beginner – you’ll find your voice in no time). Booking essential.
For more info visit or find us on Facebook


Session times

Mondays: 7pm til 8pm
Thursdays: 10.30am to 11.30am
Booking essential.

Run by



Song Sisters


near Mill Road, Cambridge CB1


This is a weekly group singing harmony songs to nourish ourselves on our journey through life, and making connections along the way.  We sing a variety of folk songs, rounds and chants for fun and connection, with everything being taught by ear. It’s a fairly small, relaxed, friendly, informal and totally delightful group and a mix of experienced and new singers.

£10 per session drop in, £7 per session if joining for the term. Come sing and drink tea!

Session times

Mondays 1.30 - 3.00pm

SoNg, Singen ohne Noten Gruppe


Schwielowseestraße, Deutschland

Session times

Monday evenings

1 90 91 92 93 94 121