Laura Landy


Saxapahaw, North Carolina, USA


Facilitate authentic vocal expression, sound healing, improvisation for individuals and groups

Additional information

We are all born with a voice and a body, and express the beautiful complexity of who we are through them. When we relax and allow this expressive flow, when we tell our inner critic to take a hike, we engage in a deeply creative exploration of who we are. When we do this work with others, we remember that we are all connected.

I call this interaction of the movement, sound, psyche and spirit The Voicebody. It is the original instrument for self-expression, healing, connection and creative play. And it is in all of us.

The Voicebody is both the instrument and the player.

It is the synthesis of the impulse to release sound on breath, to engage the vocal cords, and the emerging voice.  It is allowing yourself to pause, listen, release what comes, and to then Interact with it, play with it, claim it! Allowing the voicebody to lead allows you to discover, express, and transform energy, as you reach toward wholeness in the present moment.

Giving voice to the many facets of ourselves can release traumas and blocked energy. It empowers us to claim our wholeness , to cocreate together, and to transmutate energies into healing, growth, and connection for ourselves and for our near and far communities.

laura landy head and upper torso smiling, hands raised

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