Annie Griffith


Lincoln, UK


Open access community choirs - everyone can sing in harmony.
Steampunk Choir.

Additional information

I run community choirs in Lincoln, specialising in getting everyone happy with their voice and singing!

I’ve been running choirs and teaching singing for over 12 years now, and been a performer for 30+ years.  I embrace the Natural Voice tenet of everyone can sing with the voice they have, and welcome singers at all points of their journey.

All my choirs offer sheet music, lyric sheets, ear-only learning and are fully supported with materials on my website for whatever way to want to learn the songs.

My choirs

Steampunk Choir

We’re a steampunk choir singing parodies and original Victorian Music Hall settings of songs.  We perform all around the East Midlands, and further if anyone offers us cake and tea!

3 part harmonies, strong social aspect, a working knowledge of Steampunk absolutely essential.

Session times

Mondays - 7-9pm

Contact details