Jenny Goodman


Huddersfield, West Yorkshire


Group singing, choirs, acapella harmony, voice

Additional information

I have been running voice and singing workshops, open access choirs and singing projects for over 30 years. I use acapella harmony singing to build community cohesion and singing and voice work to build individual confidence and self esteem. With a background in community engagement, adult learning and groupwork, I draw on those skills to create an empowering experience. I have worked with a wide range of people from early years to older people and in a wide range of settings including community and professional arts, hospitals, schools, nurseries, prisons, universities, hospices etc.

I run a range of groups and workshops locally, nationally and internationally. In addition to group singing experiences I offer 1-2-1 singing lessons.

I am a song-writer and artist, and currently perform with acapella duo The Blameless Hussies, acoustic duo The Naked Truth and acapella septet Waiting for Dawn.

My choirs

Amazing Acapella – Holmfirth

Come and join this relaxed, friendly group of singers led by Jenny Goodman  – one of the most experienced & inspiring acapella singing teachers in the UK. The group is open to all. Jenny teaches entirely by ear so no need to read music or have any previous experience. We sing harmony songs from around the world plus so much more.

FRIDAYS 5, 12 AND 19 JULY  2024
Pay upfront and get 1 session free £110 for the term or 2 x £55
Pay as you go £10 (pay less if you need to)


Session times

Amazing Acapella meets on Friday mornings in term times between 10 am and 12 noon

Far Cry Acapella

Far Cry is a mixed voice, Huddersfield-based acapella performing group. We sing a variety of songs from different folk traditions around the world, plus original material and the occasional pop song. Although not a political choir, we are committed to social justice and some of our material reflects that. You can hear us sing anything from a rousing Luddite anthem to Georgian lullabies, South African anti apartheid songs to folk carols with a dash of The Beatles and Gershwin.

We meet under the guidance of Jenny Goodman every Thursday evening in term time.

Far Cry is an auditioned group but we work orally with no written music. Practice tracks are available. Our sessions include voice and body warm-up and breath work, as well as work on blend and pitching. There is a strong focus on developing a good sound and we work hard but also have lots of fun. We perform regularly around the locality.

You can see us here and hear one of our original local songs.

Session times

Thursday evenings 7.30 to 9.30 pm

My events

Contact details

Phone number