Potsdam, Germany
Potsdam, Germany
community choir
mother and baby singing
In 2014, after I moved from the UK to Germany, I started a community choir in the east German village of Caputh, near Potsdam and Berlin.
SoNG, Singen ohne Noten Gruppe (Singing without notes) is a group of about 20 enthusiastic men and women of different ages and backgrounds, who meet weekly to sing a wide variety of songs in different styles and languages, a cappella, and learned by ear. The choir is open to everyone.
We don’t use sheet music (ohne Noten) because not everyone can read notes; it promotes better listening; and we don’t judge your voice.
(In German: Keine Notengebung)
Apart from this community choir, I lead a singing group for mums with babies in Potsdam called “ Kinderwagenchor”. We sing acapella, easy harmony songs and lullabies and meet every week. And I offer workshops for international lullabies for pregnant women and parents with young babies.
I am part of a small group called “The Soulsisters”, who sing to comfort ill and elderly people.
Tuesdays 4pm
Monday evenings