Sophie Sterckx


Stroud, Gloucestershire


My choirs are accessible and fun. We enjoy working towards a performance.

Additional information

Since September 2011, I have been leading Corinium Community Choir in Cirencester and Painswick Community Choir in Painswick.

I run a weekly drop in singing group called Stonehouse Singers, in Stonehouse near Stroud, and MamaSings Mother & Baby singing groups at Stroud Maternity Unit for new mums and babies up to 12 months. I have been running these mother & baby singing groups since 2017.

I also run various singing workshops and singing groups throughout the year and compose and arrange songs for choral and small group a cappella.

My choirs

Corinium Community Choir

A vibrant and fun community choir in Cirencester with up to 30 singers. We sing songs from across the globe in 3 – 5 part harmony. No reading music skills needed. We love working towards a performance and aim to perform 2 or 3 times a year locally and occasionally attend Big Sings in Stroud or Bristol.

Session times

Wednesday Evening 7.30pm-9pm (term time)


MamaSings – Stroud Maternity Mother & Baby Singing

Gentle lullabies, uplifting songs and simple harmonies. Something to sooth and entertain both mother and baby while meeting other new mums and babies in your local area.

THURSDAY MORNINGS – 2 groups / 2 venues

9.50am-10.50am – at Stroud Maternity Unit (SMU)

FREE to attend. These sessions are for pregnant women & mothers with babies 0-6 months old.

11am-12pm – at Trinity Rooms Community Hub (on Field Road, opposite SMU)

FREE to attend. These sessions are for mothers with babies 6-12 months old.

Both sessions are free to attend as they are kindly funded by Stroud Hospital’s League Of Friends. No booking necessary. These are both drop in sessions for families in the Stroud and nearby surrounding area.

Session times

Thursdays 9.50am-10.50am AND Thursdays 11am-12pm

Painswick Community Choir

We are a friendly and welcoming community choir of around 26 singers. We sing songs in harmony from around the world in 3 – 5 part harmony. No music reading skills needed. We love working towards a performance and perform a couple of times during the year at local community events and occasional Big Sings in Bristol or Stroud.

Session times

Monday evenings 7pm - 8.30pm (in term time)

Stonehouse Singers

Stonehouse Singing Group is a lovely and friendly Tuesday morning drop-in session held in Stonehouse. This group is not a performance group. The focus is on singing for fun, learning simple songs in 2-4 part harmony by ear, alongside accessible breath & vocal work to help strengthen and support the singing voice.


Session times

Tuesday mornings 11am - 12.15pm

My resources

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