Caz Jeffreys


Ballydehob, West Cork, Ireland


Caz enjoys running regular community choirs, perfomance projects, and one-off events and workshops.

Additional information

Caz is a creative, inspiring and passionate choir leader, project and events coordinator and community musician; originating from England, and living in West Cork, Ireland since 1993. She holds an MA degree in Community Music and has more than 25 years of ‘hands on’ experience within a wide range of community groups and music activities. Harmony singing is her big passion.

Caz has delivered music workshops for organisations such as the West Cork Mental Health Services and in nursing homes, and run ‘pop-up’ style inclusive workshops followed by performances at festivals. She provides interactive music workshops for families with young children, which incorporate storytelling, singing, dance, and percussion alongside her pantomime character friend, Abdul the Camel. She also enjoys improvisation, leading song writing sessions, and arranging pieces for voices – sometimes incorporating the use of the body for rhythm, hand-held percussion and the guitar. She offers support and training in starting up singing groups, and in the leadership thereof.

As a musician, Caz has performed with and written for a number of bands in West Cork, and in many differing musical genres, and has occasionally incorporated her community groups alongside performance with bands and dance troupes.

Caz enjoys bringing people together, and designing inspiring opportunities through the creation of events and projects. She regularly finds herself involved in community projects which also focus on the visual, and has been involved in the creation of many parades at local festivals. She responds well to tailor making events and workshops to given themes and requests.

My choirs


An all-female acapella community choir, exploring a wide variety of styles and genres.

Session times

Thursdays 7.30 to 9.30pm

Contact details