Cathy Baker


Cathy lives in Esquimalt territory, on the West coast of Canada, Vancouver Island, Victoria, BC.


Co-director of The Gettin' Higher Choir, Outside Voices, Community Choir Leadership Training (CCLT)

My choirs

The Gettin’ Higher Choir

The Gettin’ Higher Choir seeks to embrace and celebrate humanity’s highest aspirations through music, welcoming people of all ages and backgrounds. We are not associated with any particular religion or spiritual path.

There is no audition, and no vocal experience is required, just a desire to sing in harmony with others.

Our aim is to re-integrate singing into the daily routines of life. We sing for the pure joy and pleasure it gives us, in an atmosphere that is fun, relaxed, and accepting. Our repertoire consists of both traditional and new songs from many cultures. The majority are sung a cappella (unaccompanied voices only) in 4-part harmony.

The choir is directed by Cathy Baker and Dick Jackson. There are 3 sessions available each week:

  • Tuesday – in-person and on Zoom -7-9pm Pacific Time
  • Wednesday – drop-in on Zoom – 7-8.30pm
  • Thursday – on Zoom, with at least 4 singers broadcasting to everyone else – 7-8.45pm
Session times

Tuesday 7-9pm - in-person and on Zoom
Wednesday - drop-in on Zoom - 7-8.30pm
Thursday - on Zoom - 7-8.45pm

Contact details