Michelle Nova


Bournemouth. Dorset. UK


Retirement homes
Holistic Singing
Aural tuning
Bel Canto training
Choral Conductor

Additional information

I am a singing teacher of Bel Canto technique, conductor, workshop and course facilitator for adults and children in singing, performance and ‘The Lost Knowledge of Healing Vibrations using Singing, Music & Colour’,  author of ‘Singing Bel Canto, Art & Science’, and conduct my own ensemble ‘La Nova Singers’.


studied Bel Canto in London with an independent teacher, researched into the Healing Vibrations of singing, humming, music and colour,  from which I have developed ‘SISTRUM Therapeutics’.  I have been teaching for over 30yrs, and opened ‘La Nova Studios’  Bel Canto School of Singing’, 25yrs ago.  As well as teaching singing, I have worked with special needs adults and children, and those with mental and physical disabilities in private 1 to 1 sessions and group sessions, with amazing results. I explore with the pupil/client how to use the voice, visualisation, humming and colour for healing and promoting mental and physical wellness. 


Over the years, as well as my own singing career, I have taught privately at home, in schools and University, written articles on vocal technique for national magazines, and am a member of AOTOS, ISM, NVN, MM, Sound Travels.

Contact details