Joanna Spence


Totnes, Devon


Balkan and Eastern European folk singing, British Isles folk arrangements.

Additional information

I’m a choir leader and holistic voice teacher based in Totnes, Devon (though temporarily staying in the Midlands). I lead two Balkan & Eastern European folk singing groups, teach one-to-one sessions, and offer residential singing retreats. I’m in the process of starting up a British Isles folk choir – look out for updates!

I offer one-to-one sessions for all levels of experience in the South Devon area. Through consciously working and playing with resonance in the body, I can support you to discover a form of vocal expression that’s rooted in the earth, full-bodied, relaxed and strong – whether you’ve been confidently singing all your life, or you’re completely new to voice work and wish to free your voice.

Contact details