Carol Prior


Hastings, South East England, the World!


I run community choirs, singing groups and workshops for singers of all abilities and experience

Additional information

I have been teaching singing to people of all ages for nearly 30 years. I have a background in the performing arts – I was an actor in my 20’s and early 30’s – but when I discovered the joys of acapella harmony singing I found my true tribe! Nothing compares to the joy and connection I find with others through sharing my love of the human voice – on its own in all its unadorned beauty, or in glorious multilayered harmonies.

I have run community choirs in Brighton, Robertsbridge, East Sussex and Hastings and led numerous singing groups, workshops and events in the UK and abroad as far afield as France and Greece. I was invited to start an LGBTQI+ in Hastings in early 2020 but due to the pandemic, found myself greeting my singersĀ  in All Choired Up for the first time through a screen, instead of in person in a physical space. It was at this time that I was truly grateful for the support I received from other teachers in the Natural Voice Network; without them I would have probably given up. Happily, All Choired Up went on to meet in person and perform at Hastings Pride in 2021 – an incredible achievement for all of us.

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