Hiranya De Alwis Jayasinghe


High Barnet, London/Hertfordshire


Singing groups for mothers of newborn babies.

Additional information

Hiranya is a singer-songwriter whose debut album, “Frangipani & Daisy Chains,” was released in June 2022.  She has always found joy in song, whether when harmonising along to hymns as a child or singing with the SOAS World Music Choir during her University years. For her, singing is a sacred art, which connecting us to the Divine, ourselves and to one another.

Hiranya is fascinated by life’s cycles: birth, death and women’s own unique embodied journeys (particularly throughout matrascence). She has trained as a postpartum doula, an end of life doula and to hold space for baby loss.

She will soon host Thula Mama groups for mothers of young babies.  In the future, she intends to form an intergenerational women’s choir, a singing group where early and elder years meet and to bring songs to the end of life.

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