Marie Free


Teign Valley, Dartmoor


Building community & compassion through singing, and helping EVERYONE find their singing voice.

Additional information

Hi I’m Marie, I live in the Teign Valley on Dartmoor and I am passionate about helping everyone find their singing power.

I love singing just for the joy of it. Early in childhood I discovered that when people sing, magical things begin to happen.  Singing brings happiness to the singer and to the listeners, it helps us through difficult emotions, it calms down anxiety, and it improves general health.

When we sing in harmony together, we tune into each other on a heart level, bringing more understanding and compassion and a unique sense of belonging that creates authentic heart centred communities.

Singing is not only YOUR BIRTHRIGHT, it is also what makes us human, it heals and it brings us back where we belong.

This is what I am passionate about and what I share in my singing groups, and EVERYONE is welcome regardless of ability or confidence.

I dream of a world where everyone sings all the time – at home, on the street, socially and individually… as a normal way of living. Never worrying about how good they are or what they sound like – singing simply because it is a natural and joyful thing to do. Because it is what we are meant to do.

My training in music started through “conventional” classical methods and, later, re-learning to sing and play music naturally on the folk scene.

I then went on to have singing and breathing lessons with amazing teachers from various areas of expertise – classical, folk, yoga, the Alexander Technique, and sound healing.  This diversity of study has given me an understanding of how the voice works, how natural it is and how we can access it as a “body instrument” – and how everyone can do it using the right tools.

So I know that EVERYONE can sing, as it is first of all a natural part of being human. There is no such thing as “not being able to sing” – there is only confidence built through a supportive environment, then topped up with an understanding of how the voice works in the body – and then doing it loads. 😊

I am also a Storyteller and Storytelling teacher – Building empathic communities and helping people find their true voice in all aspects of life is what I have dedicated my life to do.

Aside from music, my professional background is as a Holistic Horsemanship trainer and teacher, with a specialisation in resilience, mental health support and wellbeing. I work with my herd of 4 horses to help people find who they are again on an individual, social and personal spiritual level.

And finally, I am trained as a Shamanic Reiki healer and have a strong inclination to all aspects of healing and personal growth, and to help people reclaim that as a birthright, too.

I bring the spirit of healing and the wisdom of horse empowerment into singing through meditation, mindfulness, gentle body work and conscious breathing exercises.


My singing groups are fun and relaxed, and specifically designed to be inclusive for all.

We sing short songs in simple harmonies from around the world, from folk to gospel, tribal and spiritual – songs that sing of Love, Peace, Compassion – or sometimes just fun songs.

All material is taught by ear and through the body to help everyone through the process. No music reading here!

There is always something you can contribute no matter your level of ability or experience – and you’ll definitely have a good time (that’s the only important part!)

I also teach about how the voice works for singing, how you can find and improve your own singing voice with simple and fun exercises both to protect your voice and to develop it. You will find that you make progress week after week, whether you are a beginner or an experience singer.

The groups are friendly, heart centred and inclusive, with a lot of community love shared and totally non judgemental: we would simply love to have you join us just as you are, precisely for who you are. We have a lot of fun and everyone always leaves with a warm fuzzy heart boost after each session.

That’s what we’re about.


When I was 19 and playing my guitar shyly in my student’s room out of earshot from anyone else (I thought), my neighbour Marie-Lise came to knock on my door. She told me that music and singing were meant to be shared – regardless of what I thought I sounded like.  She said: “It isn’t about yourself. It is about sharing love.” To prove her point, she got me to join her eclectic band of musical friends who, without seeking any recognition or worrying about their level of ability at all, played music to people in need and in distress – simply as a gift of joy and a heart boost. What I saw on those people’s faces when the music and singing started touched me profoundly. I then understood what my friend had meant – it didn’t matter who we were or what “level” we were at. Sharing music is a gift of love, it brings happiness, comfort, soothing and joy. It touches every heart deeply and it is the most natural human thing to do, and to share with others. And it belongs to everyone.

My choirs

Feel Good Singers ☀️

This singing group is offered as a supportive space for mental health and wellbeing.

Formerly part of the NHS – Devon Recovery Community wellbeing programme, since the closure of the DRLC by the Devon Partnership Trust this course is now run freelance on a “Pay What You Can” basis and is open to EVERYONE – especially if you think you can’t sing!

Children who can fit within the format of the class are welcome under a parent’s or guardian’s supervision.

A safe and fun space for EVERYONE to explore and reclaim singing as YOUR BIRTHRIGHT, and the magic of voices that come together in song.

Whether you are a total beginner or an experienced singer, whether you are confident or curious, dubious or petrified – and especially if you have been told that you can’t sing – this is the group for you!

In a fun and relaxed atmosphere, we sing short songs in simple harmonies from around the world, from folk to gospel, tribal and spiritual – songs that sing of Love, Peace, Compassion – or sometimes just fun songs.

All songs are taught by ear and through the body (no music reading here!) so that everyone can learn easily, incorporating meditation, mindfulness, gentle body work and conscious breathing exercises for confidence and connection to your own true voice.

There is always something you can contribute no matter your level of experience or confidence, and you will definitely have a good time, with lots of shared laughter, mutual support and surprising achievements.

This is about re-discovering that singing is natural and a normal part of being human, and how it reconnects us to our own heart as well as to each other when we sound our voices together. Creating happiness, empowerment, wellbeing and authentic heart community – singing is a major key to mental, emotional and physical health and it is free!

I also teach fun and simple exercises to help you find, protect and improve your singing voice, so that you understand how singing works and how you can develop your voice for confidence and skill. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced singer, you will find that you naturally make progress with your singing week after week.

But most importantly, this is a friendly, supportive, relaxed and inclusive group, with no pressure and no judgement.

You are welcome whatever your skin colour(s), gender inclination(s), political trend, spiritual belief, neuro-divergence (I am autistic myself), your financial means and whether you love or hate Marmite. Even if you are a BSL user, there are many ways in which you can join in, creating singing in your own way. ☀️

The main purpose is that everyone enjoys themselves a lot and leaves each session with a warm fuzzy heart boost.

Classes are offered as courses of 5 sessions during term time, with the final class taking place in a quiet public space to share our songs out in the world (this is optional so no pressure! You are also welcome to just attend the closed sessions). There are also opportunities to sing in public at local events or in mini flash mobs for those who wish (optional too).

Singing is what we ALL share in whatever way that may be, so please DO come and join us!  – we are waiting for you. 💕


“This course has given me SO much confidence, I was so doubtful of myself and unsure about my worth – I didn’t think I could sing, let alone singing in public, and solo too!! And I’ve made friends as well, AND it’s a lot of fun! I’m definitely coming back.”

“It is a safe space where everyone can just be themselves and open their hearts. And we create something together, something that really grows. We are all becoming someone.”

“This course has given me a space where I can express myself truly, and a place to connect with other people doing something I love. This is something I normally struggle with, but here it feels natural. It feels like I belong.”

“It is amazing to learn how to use our voices, we’re definitely learning to sing better – I’ve been part of choirs all my life and I’d never learnt those things! And yet there is no pressure here, everyone is totally relaxed and welcome just as they are, and we still learn. It’s really amazing!”

“Here I have learnt how to relax and feel better in my life – not just in singing, this has given me tools to reduce stress and help me in the rest of life too.”

“I could not sing a single note before this course, and Marie has given me the confidence to sing – even in front of an audience!”

“This course has given me self-confidence, social bonding and tools to lower my anxiety. Thank you!”

“I never thought I had anything to bring to the world, but today was incredible, to see the smiles on people’s faces, and how much they enjoyed our singing. My singing!! I feel so much more worthy, and like I am a good person. Thank you!”

“I struggle to get out of my house due to anxiety – this is the only place I look forward to coming to, knowing that I will be safe, that I will enjoy it, and that I will feel stronger and more confident after the session.”

“Really heart warming course. Lovely songs! I go away singing to myself and feeling happier than when I arrived!”

“This has been such an empowering experience, I never knew I had the power to make other people happy just with a song. I feel like I now have a place in the world.”

“I was SO scared I was shaking, but I did it, I did it! And people loved it, and it felt EASY, and so exhilarating.”

“It’s like we were a tribe, and nothing could harm us, and it brought us so much joy.”

“This is so much more than a course, it has brought me Community in a way I had never experienced before. It’s not just an activity, it is real connection.”

“How do we feel? Empowered! Buzzing! Uplifted! Happy!”

Session times

Thursday mornings from 10:20 to 12:30, in courses of 5 sessions during term time.

River Teign Singing ☀️

Singing is YOUR BIRTHRIGHT! Whoever you are, we are waiting for you to join us in this fun and relaxed group dedicated to reclaiming your own singing power and to enjoying the magic of voices that come together in song.

No matter your level of experience or ability, even if you have been told you couldn’t sing – you can here!

We sing short songs in simple harmonies from around the world, from folk to gospel, tribal and spiritual – songs that sing of Love, Peace, Compassion – or sometimes just fun songs.

All songs are taught by ear and through the body (no music reading here!), incorporating meditation, mindfulness, gentle body work and conscious breathing exercises for confidence and connection to your own true voice.

There is always something you can contribute no matter your level of confidence, and you will definitely have a good time, with a lot of shared laughter and support and surprising achievements.

I also teach fun and simple exercises to help you find, protect and improve your singing voice, so that you understand how singing works and how you can develop your voice for confidence and skill. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced singer, you will find that you naturally make progress with your singing week after week.

But most importantly, our singing group is a friendly, supportive, relaxed and inclusive space, with no pressure and no judgement.

You are welcome whatever your age, skin colour(s), gender inclination(s), political trend, spiritual belief, neuro-divergence (I am autistic myself), and whether you love or hate Marmite.  Even if you are a BSL user, there are many ways in which you can join in, creating singing in your own way. ☀️

Singing is what we ALL share in whatever way that may be, so please DO come!

The main purpose being that everyone enjoys themselves a lot and leaves each session with a warm fuzzy heart boost.

We share our songs with the community through a homely gathering at the end of each term and there is the opportunity to sing in public at local events or in mini flash mobs for those who wish (optional).


Come and join us for a FREE taster session anytime! Just contact me to check when the next practice dates are. Keen children are welcome with a participating adult.

Looking forward to singing with you. 😊


Fee per session after your free taster: £8 adults / £6 children

Wheelchair accessible.



“I have tried many choirs but this is the only one where I have felt welcome totally  and just as I am, and where there is so much fun and inclusiveness.”

“I love coming here for the songs, for the laughter, and for the warm fuzzy heart holding.”

“I used to sing a lot but I had completely lost my voice after covid and couldn’t sing at all anymore. And it is thanks to the exercises Marie taught me that my voice came back, and that I am able to sing again!”

“I love coming here every week and I am in fact very surprised about that – because I am not, and have never been, someone who sings. But here it appears that I am! I do sing, and I enjoy it tremendously!”

“I have always loved singing and have been part of many choirs, but this is the first time I am actually learning how to sing.”

“I used to be a speech therapist and what I love here is that Marie gets us to feel how our voice works in our body, and how to work with it through feeling, and that is a new skill for me.”

“Coming here every week is my highlight – it makes my heart joyful again, and all my troubles go away.”

“It’s like a warm, cosy, huggy, joyful space to come to.”

“No words would describe this – it’s nicely wonderful!”

Session times

Monday evenings in term time from 7 to 9pm

Marie Free

Contact details