Thomas Heath


Bisbrooke, near Uppingham, Rutland, East Midlands


I'm song leader for the InhamSingers in Rutland. Simple harmonies and a warm welcome for all.

Additional information

I’m new to song leading but so far so good 🙂

My group, the InhamSingers, is for anyone who likes singing and loves the idea of getting together to create some harmony. We meet every other Thursday in Bisbrooke nr Uppingham for a drink and a sing — a mix of natural voice nuggets and everyone’s favourite songs (Beach Boys etc.).

I have no formal musical training but have led samba drumming groups and wanted to do something similar for voices. I was first inspired by a Singing for Larks workshop with Faith Watson and finally talked into it by Kirstie, who is the ultimate organiser and actually runs our group. We’re calling it the ‘InhamSingers’ after the Inhams path that links us with Uppingham and beyond, because we want this to be for the wider world. Walking the Inhams you’ll often hear the larks overhead, singing their hearts out.

I’m excited to be part of the scene, grateful to Faith Watson and James Sills for pointing me in the right direction, and very much open to any opportunities to get further stuck in. So — I’d love to hear from you 🙂

My choirs


The InhamSingers is for anyone who likes singing and loves the idea of getting together to create some harmony. We meet every other Thursday in Bisbrooke near Uppingham for a drink and a sing — a mix of natural voice nuggets and everyone’s favourite songs (Beach Boys etc.).

The group is named after the Inhams path that links us with Uppingham and beyond, because we want this to be for the wider world. Walking the Inhams you’ll often hear the larks overhead, singing their hearts out.

Session times

Alternate Thursdays

Contact details