Jody Vyner




Singing circles in the woods, therapeutic singing circles, singing in nature for connection to self.

Additional information

It is a fact deeply known by many that singing is good for you. Singing roots us; it connects us to ourselves and when we do it in a group, it connects us to others. When we sing together, something truly unique happens that is hard to describe. It is never the same twice, can only happen with others and will be experienced differently by each and every member of the circle

Singing Roots singing circles are more than purely singing; we will find a moment to take a breath, feel our feet on the ground, soak in the richness that the woodland has to offer and drop into connection with ourselves, before singing in beautiful harmony with each other. After the singing, a break (in which there is a chance for a cup of tea and a chat with others), and a bit more singing, we create a holding circle with our final song, into which members of the circle can step, stand, sit or lie and really soak up the full sound. We then take a moment of reflection and quiet at the end to really savour the circle before heading home.

My choirs

Oak Time Weekly Women’s Circle

Oak Time is a women’s circle that offers a moment in your week where the pace can slow down and you can be the one being held. Each week will be a bit different, but will always involve some gentle movement, some singing and some time in silence with blankets and relaxing oil for your hands.

£10/£8 (concs) Book here.


Session times

Mondays 11.30-1.30pm

Singing Roots Weekly Evening Circle

We sing a range of songs in a beautiful village hall around an indoor ‘fire’. When it is warm/dry/light enough, we may also venture into the woods next door to the hall to sing amongst the trees. What could be better than singing in a capella harmony? Singing in harmony out in nature! All abilities welcome.

£10/£8 (concs). Book here.

Session times

Mondays 7-9pm

Contact details

Phone number