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Then click on the button to initiate the search. You will get an outline of the members who match your search and you’ll be able to view their full profile and contact details.

Please note that some members have chosen not to be visible on this public page.

Alison Whittall


Based in Devon, leads singing workshops locally and internationally


Leading choirs and singing workshops that uplift the spirit. Heartsongs of joy, freedom and peace.

Amy Hopwood


Dorset and Hampshire


Group songwriting projects. Nature connection activities. Singing for people with dementia.

Anahita Hayrabedian


Bradford & West Yorkshire


Bradford Voices Community Choir- peace, justice & well-being; ‘HeartSong’ W Yorks Companions

Andi Jaeger


Mönchengladbach, Germany


Choirleader, singer, songwriter, running Germany's Natural Voice Network